Making $1,000 in the first week of launching my startup

Making $1,000 in the first week of launching my startup

Making $1,000 in the first week of launching my startup

Feb 23, 2023

Getting started

A week ago I launched to start roasting peoples landing pages, providing critical feedback in a brutally honest manner to improve conversion rates and experiences. You can find the origin story here:

I was super skeptical about how it might be received as I'd never seen a website approach it's messaging in such a snarky, tongue in cheek manner but decided to go for it. As it happens people seem to be quite polarised by, like marmite. They either love it or hate it and I'm fine with that, I understood there would be a similar reaction and even enjoy some of the unpaid roasts I get. But with this controversy or popularity whatever you want to call it came customers! For the first time in my life I've been able to build a profitable business and it's happened much faster and quicker than I'd ever imagined possible.

Week One

So let me break down for you what's already happened in my first week:

And I did it all in my free time outside of my 9-5. It's been a pretty crazy week and I was hesitant to even post this as I'm always thinking the last purchase could be my last customer but I'm most definitely enjoying the ride so far. I'm certain things won't continue at this rate which is fine but I'll keep iterating and building as I go.


If you're curious about the changes I've made here's what I've done in the last week to improve the business:

  • Reached out to gather feedback from customers on how to improve.

  • Acted on the improvements some of you mentioned in the origin story post.

  • Added testimonials to the landing page.

  • Displayed companies who've bought a roast.

  • Added 2 new packages which have already had customers. They include a Notion summary of your roast and a video audit where I VoiceOver a landing page and give lots of actionable insights.

  • Automated emails to trigger through Zapier.

  • Added some of my favourite roasts so far to the website.

  • Bought myself a roast dinner to celebrate 🔥.

And that pretty much wraps up my week, I also wanted to mention I had a couple of customers come through IndieHackers, I'm new to the community but I'm so grateful to you guys for the positivity, honesty and support. If you want a roast or know anyone who does, head on over to

  1. 🍻 Don’t work for free... Become an affiliate and get 20% of every referral.

  2. ⭐️ Rate us on product hunt, it helps!

  3. 🐦 @roastdio

Ollie Efez

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¡Deja de buscar excusas, consigue clientes!

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Ahorrando cientos de horas de pruebas y mucho dinero

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Ahorrando cientos de horas de pruebas y mucho dinero

Ahorrando cientos de horas de pruebas y mucho dinero